Bits and pieces from my apartment..
One year ago I was living in Copenhagen. I had just given up a penthouse apartment in the city central and a career (the later which i'd built up during the past eight years...) all because of LOVE!!
I Then realized that the man I had fallen in love with wasn't quite the Mr Dreamy I had thought so far..
Long story short, I left in the middle of the night and suddenly found myself without a place to stay.
I had all of my belongings moved to my fathers house, and decided to move in with a friend in Copenhagen, to re-evaluate my future. I stayed there for 4 months until I finally decided to move back to my home town Helsingborg.
So now more than ever I just LOVE my apartment.. To not have my own place for 4 months was awful, but I also learned a very important lesson..
Our home is our castle, safety blanket...the one place were we are in control..and free to express who we are through colours and with furniture, or simply by running around naked singing Madonna..(this is off course not always the case in a marriage) To all men: -remember when you say I DO, you automatically give up any right to choose as far as your home or life style goes;-) So think about this.. Do you really want to marry Barbie, and live in a pink fantasy house???